Who Should Participate?

Who may participate in the UW Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program?

This Capstone Certificate Program is offered to professionals interested in providing relationship-based services for families with infants and young children and/or consultation to professionals in service sectors working with this population. This program is designed for:

  • Licensed mental health and health care professionals* in clinical, counseling or school psychology, social work, marriage and family therapy, nursing, psychiatry, pediatrics or family medicine.
  • Professionals who have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in the fields of early childhood education, child development, family studies, occupational therapy, physical therapy, social work, or speech and language therapy. This includes those who provide direct services to young children and their families in Home Visiting, Birth to 3, Early Childhood Special Education, Early Head Start, Head Start, Early Care and Education, Child Protective Services, Doula Programs and more.


*The Capstone Certificate Program provides a comprehensive, integrated and essential foundation for the trauma-informed Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Training Program and fulfills a prerequisite for the CPP Training. For more information about the CPP Training, visit Wisconsin Child-Parent Psychotherapy Learning Community.